Friday, June 25, 2010

Ahhh, the weekend

There is something so wonderful about that drive home on the last day of the work week. Even though my drive lasts all of about 4 minutes, its the decompression of a week's worth of garbage. This week, I only worked 3 days, yet I somehow managed to completely load my mental plate with everyone else's scraps. It is a relief to hear the click of that freshly punched clock and feel the night's humid breath on my face as I leave.

I've always said that I would never "wish my week away". My justification for this statement was thus: so many people, in the midst of their hectic work week , cling to the statement, "I can't wait until this weekend." It made me think, if I were to do that every week that I worked, I would be wishing away 5/7 of my life, and that just doesn't cut it. No, no matter how stressful, mundane, or tiresome my week's events would leave me, I would always embrace the chaos and savor those 5/7. But now as I get older and am in a wonderful marriage, I feel that I am finally able to enjoy the week's end and all that it has to bring. Rather than simply wish for my weekend, I patiently anticipate it....then hug the ever-loving hell out of it when it finally arrives.

This weekend is unlike most. My sister and her family were here last week. They have since departed (more on that later), and now my brother-in-law's family will be coming into town tomorrow. While I absolutely relish ME time, I am content that his kids are coming because I know that it will afford him the chance to satisfy one of MY dreams.....attending a World Cup match. He has tickets for Argentina v Mexico, and he is flying out on Saturday. I hope that, despite the fact that he is travelling with standby flight tickets, he will arrive in time for the game and that it is a magical one. Hopefully, I will be swimming in my own happiness and savoring a US victory over Ghana----I can't wait for that game, but as with my weekend, I am not wishing it to be here. Not yet. I still have 15 and a half hours.....and I wouldn't dream of wishing those away.

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